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Product updates: Accounting

See what’s new with Sage Business Cloud Accounting. We constantly release new changes – find out all you need to know here.


05 May

New Module: Debtors Manager

Empowers you to seamlessly follow up on payments and ensure that you get paid through automatic reminders and actionable alerts.

New Module: Advanced Inventory

Allows for the automatic and continuous updating of your inventory and accounting records at the time of each new incoming or outgoing transaction.


01 July

Company Transfers

If you’re the company owner, you can transfer your company to someone else. You may need to do this if you’re leaving your organization, or if your client wants to take over the company. The new company owner will become responsible for the monthly subscription payments once they've accepted the transfer request.

15 January

Item Bundles

Bundled Items are associated with particular items that are regularly duplicated on a Customer Invoice. This lets you specify one code on an invoice, and the system loads multiple item lines. Item Bundle Codes speed up invoicing, as you are able to create multiple invoice lines by entering one code only.

Screenshot Updates Item Bundle Screenshot Updates Item Bundle
10 January

Recurring Journals

Recurring Journal Entries are associated with repetitive account balance adjustments. They are typically done to record items like accruals, depreciation, amortization, and allocations. You need to define the total amount and schedule for allocating and posting Journals. The schedule used provides logic to determine the execution date at which Journal Entries needs to be repeated.

Screenshot Updates Recurring Journals
05 January

Sales Orders & Reserve Stock

A Sales Order is raised when an initial Quote is approved, and the transaction is underway. The Sales Order specifies the details about products ordered by a specific customer along with the price, quantity and terms and conditions. You can opt to reserve the items contained in a Sales Order to avoid selling this stock to a different Customer.

Screenshot Updates Sales Orders


01 July

Personal Information Protection

To ensure we assist our clients to manage sensitive or relevant data sufficiently we have created Personal Information Protection in Sage Accounting.

Retention Period needs to be set per Company. Customer and Supplier data can be removed based on this setting or extended period per Customer/Supplier.

Improved Journal Processing

Journal Processing was changed to allow the creation and printing of transactions without updating the Journals immediately.

Improved Tax Adjustments

A new screen allowing bulk entry of Tax Adjustments as well as review of previously processed Tax Adjustments.

Contact Us Changes

Made UI changes to Contact Us page to help users contacting correct channel for Support, Account Queries and Suggestions.

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