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2024 Report

Nonprofit technology impact: Driving mission with innovation

Get an exclusive look at how nonprofit finance leaders overcome challenges for greater mission impact. See how organizations leverage technology, achieve recovery in a post-pandemic landscape, and understand the role of finance leaders in periods of change.
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Shaping the future of the nonprofit sector

This report highlights the current trends and forward-looking strategies that are transforming nonprofit operations. Explore insights from nonprofit finance leaders across North America and discover how they leveraged technology to overcome challenges, streamline efforts, and refocus their efforts on mission-critical goals. What you’ll learn from the nonprofit finance leaders we surveyed:

  • How leveraging technology helped them focus on goals
  • How efforts were effectively streamlined
  • What challenges they faced; particularly in a post-pandemic world
  • The types of opportunities they seized
  • Innovations that are shaping the future of the nonprofit sector
  • How they guided organizations transparently, strategically, and with full accountability