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Australian Grand Prix Corporation


Australian Grand Prix Corporation


Travel and Hospitality



Sage CRM integrated with Sage 300 fast tracks data access for Australian Grand Prix Corporation

The Australian Grand Prix Corporation (AGPC) is responsible for Australia's premier Motorsport events and uses integrated Sage CRM and Sage 300 to manage corporate customer data that is crucial to its business.

“We are already seeing improvements in the way we operate due to Sage CRM. It’s been a very, very positive experience”

Jeremy Kann,

General Manager, Australian Grand Prix Corporation

An integrated vision

Before Sage, sales of corporate entertainment packages and sponsorship were hampered by old CRM packages and spreadsheets that made it impossible to share data easily with the company's financial system. This led to the double handling of data and occasional discrepancies between the two systems. AGPC saw the benefits of having a fully integrated system rather than simply bolting a CRM solution on to the financials. It would make it easier and faster for the sales and commercial teams to work together and get their jobs done. At the same time, finance would benefit from the new efficiencies when it came to keeping track of orders and invoicing.

Sage single data repository drives efficiency

AGPC deployed Sage CRM and Sage 300 and used their out-of-the-box integration capabilities to better manage finances and customer relationships. The solution retains all data relating to corporate customer sales and sponsorship relationships in a single, central repository.

By replacing separate CRM packages and numerous independent spreadsheets, the Sage deployment dramatically improved efficiency. It allows sales information to be keyed directly into Sage CRM where it automatically flows through to Sage 300 for invoicing and updating the general ledger. The company is better able to produce accurate and timely data that is essential for meeting strict financial reporting requirements.

“Although it is very early days, we are already seeing improvements in the way we operate due to Sage CRM. It’s been a very, very positive experience,” said Kann.

Three-phase project

A potentially complex overhaul of the company's business processes was made easy by Enabling, the local Sage business partner. Sage CRM went live in the first phase and Sage 300 in the second. The third saw the gradual replacement of departmental contact spreadsheets as Sage CRM was made available to the whole organisation and the benefits of Sage 300 integration became apparent. “We’re not an overly complex [business] but we do have a complex product mix and a temporary venue. This means we need the ability to adapt and change quickly,” explained Jeremy Kann, General Manager, Sales and Commercial. “We chose Sage because they offered us everything we needed.”

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