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Sage on social media

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Sage on social media

There is a lot going on at Sage, as you would imagine, in a global company with millions of customers worldwide and approximately 13 000 employees in 23 countries. 

Sage Group

Twitter @sagegroupplc

YouTube sagegroupplc

LinkedIn Sage

Instagram @sageofficial

Sage Careers

Twitter @SageCareers

Instagram @LifeatSage

LinkedIn Sage Careers

Sage in your area

You can find out what’s going on locally too. Follow Sage where you live.


Sage UK @sageuk

Sage North America @SageNAmerica

Sage France @SageFrance

Sage Asia @SageAsia 

Sage Germany @Sage_Germany

Sage Ireland @sageireland

Sage Poland @sagepolska

Sage Portugal @sageportugal

Sage South Africa @SageGroupZA

Sage Spain @SageSpain

Sage Switzerland @SageSwitzerland



Sage UK SageUKOfficial

Sage North America SageSoftwareNA

Sage Germany SageSoftwareGermany

Sage Ireland SageIrelandOfficial

Sage Portugal SagePortugal

Sage Poland SagePolska

Sage South Africa SageGroupZA

Sage Spain SageSpain

Sage Switzerland sageschweiz

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