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Know your GDPR

Share the message. Share the responsibility.


What is the GDPR?

The General Data Protection Regulation (“EUGDPR”) is a European legal framework that came into effect on the 25th of May 2018. The UK subsequently adopted it following Brexit – this is where you may hear the term “the UKGDPR”.  

The GDPR focuses on protecting, collecting, and managing personal data (i.e. data about individuals). It must be complied with by all companies and organisations in the UK or EU who hold or otherwise process personal data (including sole traders) of people in the UK or EU, and even companies outside the UK or EU that offer goods or services to the individuals in the UK or EU or who monitor their behaviour there.

Learn more with our GDPR resources


Key features of the GDPR.


Protect personal data throughout the business day.


The GDPR in-depth.

Visit Sage Marketplace for more tools from our partners

Looking for more tools to assist your organisation in meeting some of your GDPR obligations? Browse the GDPR section of the Sage Marketplace.

Our promise to you

Sage has a dedicated Global Privacy team who consider the GDPR, as well as other data protection laws and regulations across the world, and how they impact Sage and its customers.

Sage GDPR legal disclaimer

The information contained on this website is for general guidance purposes only. It should not be taken for, nor is it intended as, legal advice.

We would like to stress that there is no substitute for customers making their own detailed investigations or seeking their own professional advice if they are unsure about the implications of the GDPR on their businesses.

We would like to stress that there is no substitute for customers conducting their own detailed investigations or seeking their own professional advice if they are unsure of the implications of GDPR on their businesses.

Sage will not accept any liability for errors or omissions and will not be liable for any damage (including, without limitation, damage for loss of business or loss of profits) arising in contract, tort or otherwise from the use of or reliance on this information or from any action or decisions taken as a result of using this information.

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