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Insightful Reporting

Gain accurate and meaningful insights into your business or simply view your Profit and Loss report or Balance Sheet with the Reporting functionality in Accounting.

Easy and effective reporting, anytime, anywhere

With Accounting, you get a comprehensive list of reports that are available to share, print or email directly to your customers or to other users in your business. Reporting in Accounting has never been easier with the following features :

  • Sage Intelligence for Accounting allows you to customise your financial accounting reports—so, you don't need to be an accountant to report on your finances. Find out more about Sage Intelligence for Accounting.
  • Simply view your Profit and Loss report or Balance Sheet. Next time your bank manager asks for these reports, you'll have them on their desk in record time !
  • Reports are available both in the Reports menu and from the many Reports sections on the main screen in Accounting.
  • Drill-down directly to the details of transactions by clicking on a line in the report, if the reports are presented in detail.

Choose from the wide range of reports available for customers, suppliers, items, accounts, bank and credit cards and tax. Get accounting reports for small business right away !

Plans to support you and your business

- Get Accounting and start your 30-day free trial**

All plans include the essentials. Cancel or upgrade any time.


Ideal for sole traders, freelancers, and micro businesses.
From USD12
per month / incl. VAT*
Start your 30-day free trial, then from R200 a month. You save R200
Most popular


Ideal for sole traders, freelancers, and growing businesses.
From USD23
per month / incl. VAT*
Start your 30-day free trial, then from USD23 a month. You save USD23
 Everything from START plan, and also:
  • Base (2 User, 1 Company) for USD23/month
  • Additional companies for USD16/month
  • Additional users for USD3/month
  • Add Advanced Inventory for USD21/month
  • Add Debtors Manager for USD14/month
  • Add Multi-currency for USD8/month
  • Add Time Tracking for USD8/month
  • Add Storage (1GB) for USD1/month

**We want you to be fully happy with our software and try it without worry. If you purchase the software but decide it isn't a right fit for your business, let us know within 30 days and we'll give you a full refund.

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"Every accountant has something that works for them; Sage works for me. It puts me in the pulse of my clients’ businesses – and that’s where lasting relationships form."

Kiara Ramklass, Founder
Marimba Jam - South Africa

Breakthrough apps for businesses taking off in the future

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