Sage & CPA Presents: The Small Business Webinar Series
CPA Canada and Sage know being a small business owner is tough enough and want to ensure you have the tools you need to navigate this uncertain time.
While we all try to make it through the turmoil together, we invite you to connect and take part in our “Small Business Webinar Series,” designed to help you maneuver through new challenges presented by COVID-19.
Throughout this comprehensive series, CPA Canada Financial Literacy and our Program sponsor Sage, the market leader for integrated accounting supporting the ambition of the world’s entrepreneurs, will combine expertise in financial literacy and entrepreneurship to offer support to small businesses.
The first session, Tips to Maximize Your Business During and After COVID-19, will feature Hugh Smilestone, CPA, CGA and Blaine Bertsch, CEO of Dryrun and author of the book “Pandemic Cash Flow,” who will explain the key concepts of cash management, working capital and operational efficiency during this crisis. With business as we know it appearing to change overnight, you will have the opportunity to ask these experts questions about how to maximize your business throughout COVID-19.
Webinar details:
Date: Thursday, April 30, 2020
Time: 2:00 PM EDT
The Small Business Webinar Series
Presented by Sage and CPA Canada
Upcoming webinars
- Tips to Maximize Your Business During and After COVID-19
Thursday, April 30, 2020, 2:00PM EDT
- Getting Money: What Lenders and Investors Want
Tuesday, May 5, 2020, 2:00PM EDT
- Honest Talks with the Experts – Pivoting and changing business models
Thursday, May 7, 2020, 2:00PM EDT
- Honest Talks with the Experts – Future casting the economy
Thursday, May 14, 2020 2:00PM EDT
- Honest Talks with the Experts – Future casting the economy (French)
Wednesday, May 20, 2020, 12:30PM EDT
- Honest Talks with the Experts – Building resilience as a leader
Thursday, May 21, 2:00PM EDT
- Getting Money: What Lenders and Investors Want (French)
Monday, May 25, 2020, 12:30PM EDT
- Honest Talks with the Experts – Our virtual reality and how to adapt (French)
Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 12:30PM EDT
- The Money Side of Business: Managing Your Finances During a Crisis
Thursday, June 2, 2020, 2:00PM EDT
- Honest Talks with the Experts – Our virtual reality and how to adapt
Thursday, June 4, 2020, 2:00PM EDT
- Honest Talks with the Experts – Tough conversations on Restructuring
Monday, June 8, 2020, 2:00PM EDT
- Financial Ratios and how they help with emergency decision-making
Monday, June 15, 2020 2:00PM EDT
- Financial Survival for Entrepreneurs
Monday, June 26, 2020, 2:00PM EDT
You can find more details on what each of these interactive presentations have to offer here: