Season 4: Thriving in a changing world
Change is the future

I’m an action guy. When my thoughts become cloudy and I’m overwhelmed by duties, tasks and the ticking clock, I resort to ACTION. I know the only way out of confusion is by doing, by action.
Action is the key. The only difference between you and any of your heroes is that they are DOING what you are only thinking or complaining about.
Be the change you desire. Meet it head on—or better, cut it off at the pass. You are either consciously creating your future, or you are unconsciously letting it roll over you.
Of course, there is an attitude adjustment on how to instil action into your life and get things done. Here are a few tips:
The secret of the universe
This is a huge idea. That’s why it’s a secret. The secret of the Universe is that no one has the “right” answer, because no one has YOUR answer.
We want to “know”. We seek answers from books and seminars.
We look for guidance from teachers, heroes, gurus and even the internet.
We’ve gotten so used to looking around that we’ve stopped looking inside.
Success is measured in hindsight. Everyone is making it up as they go along—some just fail more successfully. Any advice from those further down the road comes after the fact. Their success came from their own trials, failings, and messy blunders—and their ability to keep going.
You can try to model yourself after others and even emulate the “10 Things Millionaires Do Before Breakfast”, but ultimately what will work for you is practice, taking chances and learning to trust your own answer.
Don’t judge
Often I receive requests from young artists asking my opinion of their work.
My stock answer is: what I think of your work is not important. What’s important is what you do with it. What’s important is how it makes you feel, how you talk about it and how you get it out into the world.
Not only is it not important what I think of your work, frankly, it’s not important what YOU think of it. Most of us are terrible judges of ourselves, let alone our work. We’re so familiar with our motives and movements that we can’t recognise them as unique or special.
You are not qualified to judge your own work, you are only qualified to make it. Don’t judge it or call it good or bad, you can only make the work and get better at doing it. No artist or author or inventor in history ever KNEW they were making something of importance. They didn’t look for answers, they “lived the questions”, taking deliberate action every day and allowing the answers to reveal themselves when the time was ripe. The proof of their genius only to be found out in retrospect.
You have no idea what the public will like or respond to. The critical or financial success you seek will come from your ability to follow through and just make the work. Take action and change your future.
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