Season 4: Thriving in a changing world

Afdhel Aziz Founder and Chief Purpose Officer, Conspiracy of Love

How to unlock the power of purpose to drive growth and impact

Purpose is the key to business growth in the 21st century. Society expects companies to take the lead on solving social and environmental problems, employees are increasingly seeking meaning from their jobs, and conscious consumers demand that brands do better. To keep up with these evolving expectations, businesses must adapt. But with limited time, money, and resources, the question remains: how?

As the founder and Chief Purpose Officer of Conspiracy of Love, a global impact consultancy helping brands unlock growth through impact, this is one of our most commonly asked questions.

But here’s the thing:
The changes you make don’t have to be huge. Chances are, you already have all the tools you need. You just need to know how to use them.

Let’s start at the beginning
Go back to the time you or your company’s original founders were building the business. There’s probably a clue about the problem you or they were trying to solve. Often, it’s something that can be picked up and looked at through the expectations of today’s society to find an authentic seed of purpose in the brand’s DNA.

Pick your sword vs. your shield
There are a dizzying array of topics and issues you could get involved in. Some of these topics are your ‘‘shields’’ – defensive things you need to have a position on, such as sustainability, diversity, and inclusion.

Other topics are your ‘swords’ – the problems in the world that you’re passionate about fixing. The issues that get you out of bed in the morning, break your heart and make you mad, and give you a passionate desire to solve something in the world.

Be the helper, not the hero
One big mistake that brands and companies make is making themselves the hero of the story. Instead, find ways to make your customers, employees, and community the heroes of the narrative, with you as the brand there to facilitate and enable that change. This allows you to communicate your values but in a much more humble way.

Talk to your employees
Employees want to feel like they are contributing to something greater than just showing up and contributing to the quarterly profit goal. Talking to them and discovering their passion will ensure that your societal impact is authentic.

This part has an added benefit, too: Incorporating purpose into the company’s values leads to better recruitment, better retention, and high levels of engagement, motivation, and even innovation.

In the rapidly evolving landscape of the 21st century, purpose has emerged as the driving force behind business growth. While the challenges may seem daunting, the tools are already at your disposal.

So, reflect on your brand’s origins and align them with new expectations, distinguish between your shield and sword, be the helper, not the hero, and engage your employees to amplify your environmental and societal impact. By finding your purpose, you can unlock growth through impact and drive positive change that resonates far beyond the bottom line.

Good luck!