Welcome to Sound Advice: get year one in business right
Check out Sound Advice, a Sage podcast, which is your one-stop shop to make your business financially successful – in year one and beyond.

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As a small business owner, you’ll have a million different questions. It’s tough to know where to start, whose advice to trust, and what to focus on.
Sound Advice: get year one in business right – a brand new podcast from Sage – is your one-stop shop to make your business financially successful – in year one and beyond.
Maybe you want to know how to write a business plan that works, find your first customer, be tax compliant, or how to start up with no money.
Whatever you want to know, our host – that’s me, business journalist Rebecca Burn-Callander – will tackle it with a super line-up of small business stars.
It’s easy to romanticise being your own boss. We love a kitchen-table startup story, but it’s hard to pick apart how a successful entrepreneur does what they do.
Our brilliant guests, including the likes of Julien Callede, founder of ecommerce giant Made.com; Solveiga Pakštaitė, founder of Mimica Touch, a food waste indicator technology; and Alec Dobbie, founder or FanFinders (to name a few), will be sharing not only how they did it, but how you can do it, too.
Season one is about giving you – the small business owner – plenty of episodes of advice to make your business financially successful – in year one and beyond.
It will be inspiring, sure, but it’s mainly going to be very useful.
This is all about your small business journey and making it real. So, let’s get started!
And don’t forget to share your own startup advice or send us your questions via Twitter @SageIreland using the hashtag #SoundAdvicePodcast and subscribe on Apple Podcasts or wherever you like to listen to podcasts.
We can’t wait to share our Sound Advice for your small business.
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