Sorry to see you go! If you want to cancel your subscription to Sage Business Cloud Accounting or Sage Business Cloud Payroll you can do so at any time.
Some points to note:
The fastest way to talk to us about your subscription is by webchat.
Alternatively, you can contact us by phone or submit a cancellation form.
Please note that forms may take up to 5 working days to process.
Webchat - Monday to Friday 09:00 to 17:00
Helpline - Monday to Friday 08:30 to 18:00
Your solution is billed monthly, on the same date each month and covers your service until your billing date the following month.
If you decide to cancel your account, your subscription will remain active until your next billing date with no further payment to be made as long as you cancel at least 5 working days before your next billing date. To access your invoices, follow the help guide here.
If you are looking to cancel a different product like Sage 50, Sage 200 or Sage Business Cloud X3, please contact us through the Get in Touch page.
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