Growth & Customers

Sell your impact: How to communicate with your clients and articulate your value

The internet has changed the game. Sadly, most client interactions happen on the web, remotely, and through the screen. Your clients and customers may not even know your name or why your product is different from your competitors.  So, how do you keep them engaged and coming back for more?

people in office

The internet has changed the game. Sadly, most client interactions happen on the web, remotely, and through the screen. Your clients and customers may not even know your name or why your product is different from your competitors. 

So, how do you keep them engaged and coming back for more? 

1. Build your value proposition 

What is the value that you bring to your clients/customers? Being able to quickly and clearly articulate your value and how you are different than your competitors are key to attracting the right clients. Everyone has problems that they want to solve. When you or your product enter the marketplace, the value should be a solution for your end users. 

2. Establish a social media presence 

On average, a potential client needs to see your product 7 times before they engage with you or convert. The lowest cost way to get in front of potential clients and customers frequently, is to build a social media presence that will bring more customers to your funnel. 

Additionally, social media is a great way to build and perpetuate your brand across the web. You can highlight not only the great things about your product but also show who YOU are as a business owner and founder. People want to relate and by highlighting your personality, you can create stronger brand loyalty. 

3. Provide success metrics 

Once you have communicated your value proposition and established your brand presence online, you can keep your clients and customers coming back by providing clear metrics of success. By delivering on the claims of your value proposition, measure and SHOW the impact you provided to your end clients. 

Does it increase their sales? Does it improve their standard of living? Does it add happiness or satisfaction? Creating those measurements and proactively communicating them to your customers will drive their brand loyalty and future purchases. 

4. Communicate – on-time and with completion 

Have you ever reached out to a company and never heard back? It is infuriating. The number one way to lose a client is by failing to communicate in alignment with customer expectations. 

Make sure you have open communication, clearly outline expectations and next steps, and then follow up after the client has completed your funnel to resolve any other outstanding issues. You should always be taking customer feedback seriously – as it can improve your value proposition and metrics. 

If you can follow these steps, you can create a solid customer experience and brand that not only attracts clients but keeps them coming back for more.