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Women in Technology series: Bex Barnett

Bex Barnett, Senior Director Medium Segment Marketing


This interview is with Bex Barnett, Senior Director Medium Segment Marketing at Sage. You can watch her video, or read the transcript of Bex’s interview below.


Brittany Benson: Bex, can you tell us a little bit about your role at Sage?

Bex Barnett: I head up marketing for the Medium Segment in the United Kingdom and lead a fantastic team of talented marketers who are laser focused on driving results for the business.  I joined Sage in May 2020 for the second time. I originally worked for Sage when I was 29 years old for over a decade – I was employee #810. I decided to broaden my horizons at a couple of other companies, but ultimately returned to Sage! This is a phenomenal company, and it is an absolute privilege to be working here again.

Brittany Benson: We’re so glad to have you back! Can you share you got involved in the world of technology?

Bex Barnett: I studied languages at a time when the UK was joining the European Union. I remember very clearly being given some advice, which was having a career in pure languages would likely lead to a career as a translator or an interpreter. Combining my languages skill with a business degree seemed like a sensible option. I specialised in marketing, and my very first job was in Amsterdam. I was working for a Japanese company in the tech industry, and I've never come out of tech since then. When I relocated to Newcastle in my late-20s, Sage was a much smaller company back then. I joined at a hugely exciting time!

Brittany Benson: What would you say is the best part about your job?

Bex Barnett: There are two things. The first is that there is no better company to work for in the UK than Sage. We work in a culture that enables us to be innovative and try new things, and we're always looking for that latest new way to engage with our prospects. The resources, martech, and talent we have access to is second to none.  Another incredibly rewarding part of my job is the amazing talent that I have on my team. Having led teams for the past 20 years, I can honestly say that this is the most talented bunch of marketeers I've ever worked with, and it's an absolute honour to be a leader and work alongside them.

Brittany Benson: With that in mind, what type of impact do you hope to have in your role?

Bex Barnett: When I was younger and coming up through the ranks in my career through the early 2000’s, things were different then and I always felt like I needed to act, dress, and behave a certain way, and fit into the Corporate world; but that was never really me. I learned that it's important to be true to yourself at work and when you work for the right company then it’s easy to do that.  I would like to think my team would agree that we have a great environment where it's easy for them to be authentically themselves, be transparent and, one where they feel empowered in their roles to deliver in the best way they see fit.

Brittany Benson: That’s fantastic. What do you think has shaped this leadership style?

Bex Barnett: I try to be the boss that I always wanted to have when I was younger in my career. I try to make people feel valued and give them the space they need to manage their work and family life because that was crucial to me when I was trying to juggle a career and a young family. Sage particularly has embraced that masterfully. As a leader, I put a real focus on delivery, and in empowering my team to work in a way that allows them to still be present and care for themselves and their families. It’s no longer necessary to have to choose between being a great Mum and a great marketer, you can be both now.  It's very easy to lead like this at Sage because this mindset is part of our corporate culture.


Read the other colleague profiles who are part of Sage’s Women in Technology interview series.


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