How can a CRM system help your practice grow?

Unlocking new business opportunities is a key imperative for Australian accounting practices, especially during this time of economic uncertainty.
So how can you significantly enhance your client relationships and the effectiveness of your marketing efforts, to generate new business?
One of the most effective ways is by implementing a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system.
Yet, a 2020 Sage survey of 175 Australian small to large-sized practices reveals only 36 percent have adopted a CRM system.
This presents a golden opportunity for your practice to utilise technology that can get you ahead of the competition.
eBook: How to transform into a paperless practice
In this ebook created jointly with leading Australian accounting consultancy Smithink, we share some of the best practice insights its founding director, David Smith, has gleaned from his years of work helping practices transition to paperless working.
Discover the key challenges practices face on the road to success and the practical steps you can take to become a paperless practice.

What is a CRM system?
A CRM system is critical to many businesses. It provides staff with a single place where all client data and interactions are logged. This allows employees to view and analyse all the latest information about each client, so they can offer better customer care and, ultimately, generate more business.
What are the key benefits of a CRM system for accounting practices?
By providing a central view of all your clients and prospects, a CRM system can help you discover more opportunities, send the most effective marketing messaging, and resolve problems faster.
Here are the top benefits of a CRM system can provide your practice:
Reliable client data
A CRM provides a place where all your employees can find detailed information on your clients and prospects – from contact details to the size of their business, to the details of previous calls and email exchanges with them.
You can also easily record personal details about your clients, like birth dates, spouses, children, pets, interests and even things like coffee preferences. This kind of information will help your team build personal relationships with your clients.
Identify new business opportunities
With all your client and prospect data easily accessible in your CRM system, you can much more effectively identify those who may be interested in your services.
Whether your marketing programs involve referral networks, conventional and or digital advertising, telemarketing or even direct mail, a CRM system allows you to segment client and prospect data, to deliver more effective, tailored communications.
Open data for all employees
In many practices, information about clients is stored in the heads of key staff or in files only people certain people can access. A CRM system makes this kind of information available to everyone.
This means team members can stay fully informed about clients, client interactions and outstanding tasks, which not only drives efficiency but also improves the overall client experience.
View interactions from all channels
Today’s clients make contact through a huge range of ‘channels’ – or contact points – whether that’s by telephone, email or social media. A CRM system gives you a central place where employees can get up to date with all interactions, regardless of channel.
It can also help you create workflows that ensure all steps are followed in a timely manner for particular tasks, for example, when onboarding a new client or marketing to a prospect.
Proactively engage issues
With your CRM providing visibility of all your client interactions and details, it’s much easier to proactively engage clients to address potential issues they may be facing.
Save repetition for clients
One of the biggest bugbears for clients is having to repeat the same information to different practice team members. As a CRM system stores all information from previous interactions in a central place that all staff can see, this problem disappears.
Always up-to-date with mobile
When your staff are visiting clients on site, a mobile CRM system lets them record the details of meetings in real-time and gives them access to client information from anywhere.
Reports and insight
A CRM system can provide you with a powerful dashboard where you can understand exactly how your team is performing – from calls logged, to marketing emails sent, to customer enquiries resolved.