Regardless of the amount of assets under management at your firm, if you’re a CFO or CIO, the challenges are relentless. You need to integrate data from different systems; continuously calculate fair market value and net asset value for your diverse portfolios, monitor cash-on-cash performance; consolidate results across multiple operating companies into a single holding company; and create timely and actionable reports for your board. Since that has to happen in hours, not weeks, you need to look past Xero, QuickBooks, and Excel to find a true cloud-based financial management platform for investment management.
Chances are, your firm spends countless hours on tedious and error-prone financial reporting, preparing statements, budgets, analyses, and compliance filings for each of your funds. You barely finish in time to start all over again. Sage Intacct—the only cloud-financial services management platform preferred by the AICPA*—is the world’s leading multi-entity, multicurrency cloud financial management platform for investment management firms. You get real-time consolidations with intercompany eliminations; drill-down access to all of your funds, assets, and operating companies; multicurrency support; full GAAP compliance; dozens of built-in reports; and sophisticated custom reporting and analytics.
*American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
Discover the strategies and best practices top financial leaders use to be more strategic and impactful in leading their organizations.
Sage Intacct’s scalable architecture and cloud-based delivery means your financial services management platform stays in step with you as you grow. You can easily increase assets under management and expand your portfolio of funds and operating companies—without adding staff, installing more software, or creating extra work. You can share charts of accounts, payments, receivables, and check cutting for all your operating companies. The Sage Intacct cloud financial management platform gives investment management companies immediate access to the right data and information across a large number of complex entity structures to make smarter decisions that lead to increased investment returns. Sage Intacct helps CFOs and CIOs become increasingly data-driven and transition away from outdated quarterly reporting to continuous consolidation and real-time reporting.
By using the latest compliance strategies and auditing techniques, Sage Intacct can minimize your compliance risk exposure. Sage Intacct provides best-in-class auditing of intercompany transactions with detailed transaction logs and an integrated “collaborative compliance” environment that’s consistent across the front and back office. You see not only what you did and when you did it, but also why you did it and how the transaction complies with GAAP rules.
Sage Intacct is built from the ground up to fully embrace the advantages of the cloud. Save on IT costs, experience unparalleled flexibility, escape the chains of software maintenance and rest assured your financial system is secure.
Sage Intacct is the choice of the experts in accounting. The AICPA, which sets accounting standards for the profession, acknowledged Sage Intacct as the preferred provider of financial applications after a thorough review of software providers.