“Diversity, equity, and inclusion is about providing the right opportunities and at the same time creating a culture in which everyone feels valued and empowered to thrive.
We recognise that we are at the start of our journey and that the issues we have to tackle are multifaceted and complex. We know that overcoming these challenges will require us not just to listen, but to really hear what we are being told, and then be completely open and honest about where we are on the journey.
Only then can we knock down the barriers so everyone can thrive and build a truly inclusive culture where we all feel we belong.”
Steve Hare, Sage Chief Executive Officer
At Sage we have been working very hard since we launched our global diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) strategy at the beginning of 2022, and we are starting to see tangible signs of progress. The strategy continues to be the roadmap that charts our DEI journey and this is underpinned by our vision statement and commitments which act as the compass that guides our behaviours along the way.
We are committed to knocking down barriers so everyone can thrive. That starts with our own teams. We know this is the right thing to do, and we also know that having varied perspectives fuels our innovation. It helps generate better ideas to serve our customers. We are a global company, and we must reflect the diverse world we work in. We are committed to an inclusive workforce that fully represents the many different cultures, backgrounds, and viewpoints, of our customers, our partners, and our communities.
These are the external partners we have chosen to guide us on our DEI journey to move from vision through to execution.
Business in the Community (BITC) is a business-led membership charity dedicated to responsible business, they work with their member organisations to continually improve their responsible business practice and leverage the collective impact for the benefit of communities.
Business Disability Forum (BDF) is a not for profit membership organisation which exists to create a disability smart world by linking businesses, disabled people, and government, and we have a global partnership with them for the next 12 months.
Trans in the City supports Sage to keep learning about how we can create an inclusive culture that supports our transgender, non-binary and gender non-conforming colleagues.
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