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Pizza Pilgrims Ltd - United Kingdom

Pizza Pilgrims adds flavour to its finances with Sage Intacct

Switching to a retail calendar made it clear to Pizza Pilgrims that its legacy Xero accounting system couldn't adapt to their needs.

A mid-week month end needs the right software

After switching to a 4-4-5 calendar, the Pizza Pilgrims finance team found its existing software, Xero, was not able to cope. The team also wanted to open more sites, but their current system was unable to deal with multiple systems.

Xero just couldn’t handle the volume of data we now had, and downloading everything into a spreadsheet was painful.

Sophie Gilchiest
Finance Director

Enter Sage Intacct, a powerful accounting solution with all the right ingredients

The company expansion required a scalable system, so the finance team settled on Sage Intacct for its flexibility and growth matching capabilities. Stepping up to a whole new level of accounting to match the scaling up of the company meant they had a combination of requirements, but cost was also a consideration.

Using Excel there was more room for human error; now I’m much more confident in sending the reports.

Laura Burns
Financial Controller 

Pizza Pilgrims enjoys faster reporting and informed decision-making

Being able to see reliable information in real time has made a huge difference to everyone, from the finance team to the directors and branch managers. “Everything is so much quicker as there’s no more manual inputting and downloading of spreadsheets, it’s all handled in one easy to use system that updates in real time,” says Laura.

It’s so impactful for the business in making the right choices and the right decisions, we would 100% recommend Sage Intacct.

Laura Burns
Financial Controller

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