As a champion of small and medium-sized businesses we campaign for governments to implement policies that enable SMBs to thrive in a digital economy by :
We will always take steps to ensure that our customer’s voice is heard in public policy debates by inviting them to participate in events with politicians, through polling or by sharing anonymised insights about how their business is performing (for more information visit our Data for Good site). Just as our technology empowers our customers, our campaigns will do the same.
Responsibility for coordinating and overseeing political engagement rests with the Sage Director of Public Affairs, reporting to Sage EVP of Corporate Affairs and Sage Group's CMO on our Executive Committee. The public affairs team sits within the marketing function. Implementation is supported by regional managing directors in key markets and their regional communications leaders.
The Sage Board has collective responsibility and oversight of Sage's communications activities. The Sage Board will review and approve any public position the company intends to take about strategically important matters.
Our conduct, and the conduct of any part of our business with government, abides by the following principles :
Sage publishes a code of conduct which brings together our ethical business practice policies and guides our colleagues on where to find them. All Sage colleagues receive training in Sage's Code of Conduct and associated policies, the completion of which is reported to the Audit and Risk Committee monitor.
EU : Nove
Spain : KREAB
US : Impact
Sage is a member of many leading business trade associations globally. Membership trade body working groups must be approved by a member of the Executive Committee.
The government relations team manages public policy engagement with the following :
Sage does not engage in party political campaigning or make party political donations.
Sage complies with applicable laws and requirements about the disclosure and publication of lobbying expenditures. Further information can be found on the EU register.
[1] Sage's Gifts and Hospitalities policy states : Sage does not make any contributions to or accept any gifts or hospitality from Government, public sector officials or representatives, political parties or campaigns or organisations or individuals involved in politics. We will only make charitable donations that are legal and ethical under local laws and practices. All charitable donations must go through the Sage Foundation.
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