How to maintain a start-up mentality in your growing business
It’s a common occurrence among rapidly growing businesses – once they become more established, they begin to lose sight of the values they lived by when they were a start-up.
In many cases, policies, procedures and stale, top-down company value statements end up replacing the values that made the business a success in the first place.
Let’s explore some of the ways you can help maintain or recreate a start-up mentality in your growing business:
1. Focus on the company culture that exists amongst your people
An insightful way to view organisational culture is to consider it like an iceberg.
The 10 percent above the waterline includes things like your vision, value statement, policies, and procedures. While your real culture – how people behave and treat each other, and what’s tolerated and discouraged – is the 90 percent below water level.
Many leaders invest heavily in lofty vision statements and or comprehensive policies and procedures that attempt to create a company culture from the top down. However in many cases, they ignore the culture exists below the waterline.
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2. Hire for the future
Ensure you’re hiring those with the attributes and values vital to the future success of your business.
These are people who may not have the most advanced skillsets on the market, yet more than make up for it in their ambition, motivation, and potential.
Your Employee Value Proposition is an important tool to attract this kind of talent, especially for smaller organisations lacking the funds of larger competitors.
Think about what you can offer that others can’t. Is it the bleeding-edge technology more established organisations aren’t willing to take a risk on? Or maybe more flexibility, particularly with regard to benefits like holiday and parental leave?
3. Keep your company policies simple
While they may not be a natural part of a start-up, company policies are very effective tools for guiding employee behaviour.
Many growing organisations will invest a lot of time creating restrictive and prescriptive policies and procedures, however as the organisation changes, they quickly become outdated.
Keeping your policies and procedures simple not only makes them memorable, but also more flexible and appealing to people.
4. Write your policies for the majority, not the exceptions
When devising company policy, many organisations do so with the exceptions in mind, rather than the majority who embody the company’s values.
If you’ve recruited well, have a great culture, and your employees live by your company’s values, they won’t need policies to tell them what to do. There will always be a few who won’t behave ideally, but your policies won’t deal with them – they’re not a replacement for good management practices.
So try to keep your policies simple, treat people like mature adults, and deal with the exceptions on a one-on-one basis with great management practices.
Free research report: The changing face of HR
Seismic shifts in the way organisations operate, work, and manage their people are occurring. We surveyed 500+ HR leaders to discover how they are responding.
Uncover insights on how to stay ahead and transform HR from a process focused function to a people driven business.