December 7, 2017 3 min read Late payments: Why your invoices are delayed and how to get them paid faster At Sage, we know that late payments create unnecessary financial stress, especially for our customers with small to medi...
July 9, 2017 6 min read Can an Employer Rescind a Job Offer? Rescinding a job offer extended to a candidate? Avoid legal hot water and understand how to take back a job offer the ri...
June 13, 2017 4 min read What is a People Company? A People Company is an organization where people are the most valuable asset, and where company success is dependent on ...
June 1, 2017 4 min read How to Run a Work in Progress (WIP) Meeting WIP meetings are a good way for construction companies to forecast and stay in control of project profits. Learn key ele...
August 17, 2016 2 min read Seven Characteristics of an Effective Mentor Mentorship is a good way to bring more youth into the industry, retain more employees, and advance individual careers. R...
December 7, 2015 3 min read 3 learnings food manufacturers can take from recent product recalls Here’s what food manufacturers and retailers can learn from the recent product recalls scare to avoid similar episodes f...
December 2, 2015 2 min read 5 ways to make doing payroll in-house more efficient Payroll can be a daunting process, especially for those small businesses that decide to complete the task in-house. Comp...
December 1, 2015 3 min read What you need to know about CRA forms In Canada, you have to fill out and turn in your Canadian Revenue Agency income tax forms by the end of April. You would...
November 26, 2015 3 min read Make the long overdue leap from spreadsheets to accounting software For some entrepreneurs, spreadsheets are the preferred method of managing company finances. At first glance, it’s easy t...
October 26, 2015 4 min read The advantages and disadvantages of choosing proprietorship, partnership, or incorporation First-time entrepreneurs have several factors to consider, from marketing to startup capital. However, before business o...
August 20, 2015 3 min read Preventing employee fraud: top 10 tips Research shows that small businesses are often more vulnerable to fraud than their larger counterparts because they have...