[eBook] Cloud HR and payroll: Everything you should know about making the shift

Shifting to cloud HR and payroll software is like riding a bicycle
Learning how to ride a bicycle can be an exciting and intimidating process. You start with training wheels and remove them once you find your balance. Sure, you might fall and scrape your knee, but you can always get up, put on a helmet and knee pads, and get back on the bike.
The more you ride, the more confident you become. And before you know it, you’ll be shouting, “Look, ma—no hands!”
In the same way that you don’t just get on a bike and know how to ride, the journey to the cloud is a progressive one and doesn’t happen in a single, sweeping motion. You need to find your balance and grow your confidence before you start doing the cool tricks.
Every journey is different. Every business will start at a different stage. Each will experience highs and lows, but the desired outcome is similar. Like a bike, the cloud is a tool to get you to an outcome; it’s not the end goal.
In this e-book, we’ll discuss the benefits of moving your HR and payroll function to the cloud, advise you about choosing the right solution for your business, and guide you through your journey as you level up from cloud “training wheels” to winning “marathons”.
Here’s what we cover:
- Shifting to the cloud and what does it mean?
- Why make the switch to the cloud HR and payroll
- Who’s making the shift to the cloud?
- Cloud myth busting
- Ways Sage makes the shift to the cloud easier
- Next steps: What should HR leaders do right now ?
A guide to starting your HR cloud journey
Get your HR, IT, finance leader and CEO on the same page when it comes to choosing cloud tech.

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