Strategy, Legal & Operations

Transform your business: Thrive amid rising costs through innovation

Transform your business and thrive amid rising costs through innovation. Discover the remarkable resilience and optimism of South African SMBs in the face of economic challenges. Gain actionable insights from Sage's survey, explore strategies to navigate the rocky climate, and learn how to increase revenue, efficiency, and competitiveness with technology. Embrace change and chart your path to success.

South Africa has faced significant challenges that have impacted small and medium business (SMB) profitability. Yet, despite these hurdles, there’s a stirring story of optimism, innovation, and resilience. 

Sage’s annual “Small Business, Big Opportunity” survey, which engaged nearly 12,000 SMB leaders globally, highlighted key trends and patterns.  

In 2022, high costs presented a significant barrier for South African SMBs, more so than any other country surveyed, with over three quarters (77%) citing inflation as a drag on their business outlook.  

This trend particularly impacted SMBs in Johannesburg and Cape Town, with 81% and 80% of SMBs reporting a drag on their confidence because of inflation.  

While increasing costs has presented a substantial barrier, South African SMBs have shown an astounding resilience that has ensured survival and sparked a remarkable optimism for future success. 

This blog post investigates the findings of this comprehensive survey, highlighting the key trends and drawing actionable insights for South African SMBs.  

We will discuss strategies to help you navigate the rocky economic climate, focusing on adopting efficiency, increased confidence, and a keen interest in technology.  

Embrace optimism amid challenges 

Despite rising costs impacting profitability, the spirit of South African SMBs remains unyielding and robust. 

Our research revealed that 83% of South African business decision-makers are confident their company will be successful 12 months from now.  

This is a noticeable uptick from 2022’s figure of 76%, illustrating a burgeoning sentiment of optimism despite the harsh economic climate. 

Furthermore, over half (54%) of South Africa’s SMBs expect an increase in revenue in the next 12 months, with 42% planning to expand their workforce.  

Navigate uncertainty with an understanding of your market 

With clear goals and an understanding of the market landscape, your businesses can navigate uncertainties.  

It helps to regularly review and update business plans considering changing circumstances, helping you maintain a positive outlook even amid challenges. 

Every milestone achieved and every challenge overcome contributes to building confidence in your ability to succeed. Coupled with an adaptable mindset, you can foster a culture of optimism that inspires teams and drives you towards your goals. 

Optimism and confidence doesn’t just happen—they are cultivated. By taking active steps towards building a positive outlook, you can strengthen your resilience and chart your path towards success. 

Why should you strategically plan? 

One way you can maintain success and optimism is through strategic planning. 

Strategic planning is the process of directing your business and making decisions on allocating resources to pursue this direction.  

Here are the benefits of strategic planning: 

Provides a clear direction 

It aligns resources and efforts towards common goals. You can stay focused and make informed decisions about the future. 

Identifies opportunities and risks 

It takes advantage of new opportunities and mitigates potential risks. You can stay ahead of the curve and maintain your competitive edge. 

Improves decision-making 

It provides a framework for evaluating options and making informed decisions, avoiding costly mistakes. 

Increases accountability 

It sets clear goals and metrics for measuring progress. Your business stays on track and ensures everyone works towards the same objectives. 

How to develop a strategic plan 

To develop an effective strategic plan, you should consider the following steps: 

  1. Conduct a SWOT analysis:  

You should conduct a SWOT analysis for your business to identify your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. You can identify areas for improvement and areas of potential growth. 

  1. Set goals and objectives 

Set clear goals and objectives that align with your mission and vision. Measuring progress towards your goals can help you stay focused. 

  1. Develop strategies to achieve your goals  

You should develop strategies to achieve their goals, such as expanding into new markets, developing new products or services, or improving operational efficiency. 

  1. Assign responsibilities 

Assign responsibilities for implementing the strategic plan to specific individuals or teams. You can help ensure accountability and everyone working towards the same objectives. 

How you can increase revenue 

You should always look for ways to increase revenue and, if necessary, cost-effectively expand your workforce.  

Here are some practical tips you can follow to achieve these goals: 

Take advantage of technology 

You can use technology to automate routine tasks, improve efficiency, and reduce costs. For example, using cloud-based financial software can reduce the need for expensive hardware, and IT support while providing access to advanced features and functionality. 

Outsource non-core functions 

To third-party providers, consider outsourcing non-core functions, such as accounting, human resources, and IT support. You reduce costs and free up employees to focus on core business functions like sales and marketing. 

Focus on customer retention 

You can focus on customer retention by providing excellent customer service, personalised experiences, and loyalty programs. This can help increase revenue by encouraging repeat business and referrals from satisfied customers. 

Hire freelancers and contractors 

Look at hiring freelancers and contractors to fill short-term or project-based roles rather than hiring full-time employees. You can reduce staffing costs and access to specialised skills and expertise. 

Offer flexible work arrangements 

Remote work and flexible schedules can help attract and retain top talent, reducing overhead costs, such as office space and utilities. 

Invest in training and development 

Invest in training and development programs to upskill your existing workforce and attract new talent. You can improve employee retention, productivity, and job satisfaction, leading to increased revenue and growth. 

How you can increase efficiency 

You can handle high costs by improving efficiency, leading to cost reductions, increased productivity and boosted profitability.  

Here are some ways you can boost your operational efficiency: 

Streamline processes 

Identify inefficiencies and eliminate unnecessary steps. You can reduce costs, improve productivity, and reduce errors. 

Automate routine tasks 

Automate routine tasks using technology solutions, such as data entry and invoicing. Improve efficiency, reduce errors, and allow employees to focus on more strategic work. 

Implement lean principles 

Lean principles, such as just-in-time inventory and continuous improvement, can reduce waste and improve efficiency. This can lead to cost savings and increased productivity. 

Invest in employee training 

Invest in employee training and development to improve skills and knowledge. You can increase productivity, make better decisions, and improve customer service. 

Use data analytics 

Identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions. You can improve efficiency and reduce costs. 

Diversify with new products and services 

Look for opportunities to expand into new markets or offer complementary products and services.  

Here are 3 examples of businesses diversifying—look at what your own offers and see what you can do. 

  • A catering company expands its services to include event planning, which allows them to offer a more comprehensive service to their customers and increase revenue. 
  • A retail store diversifies its offerings by adding eco-friendly products, which appeal to a new segment of environmentally conscious customers. 
  • A SaaS company expands into a new market by developing a new product that addresses the needs of a different industry. This allows them to increase revenue and gain a competitive advantage. 

Technology as a tool for success 

Technology is crucial to future success, with nearly half (47%) of South African SMBs intending to increase their technology investment. 

South African SMBs want to implement cutting-edge technologies during the next 3 years, such as 5G (23%), AI (21%), and robotics (19%).  

Here are 3 reasons why technology is so important: 

  1. Increased productivity 

Technology solutions can automate routine tasks, allowing employees to focus on more strategic work. You improve productivity and efficiency, leading to cost savings and increased revenue. 

  1. Improved customer experience 

Think personalised marketing, online customer service, and mobile apps. You can increase customer satisfaction, loyalty, and revenue. 

  1. Competitive advantage 

Stay ahead of the curve and differentiate your business from competitors. Implementing emerging technologies like AI might offer you a competitive advantage in various industries. 

How to choose the right technology investments 

With technology, you must spend money to make money, and here lies a problem. 

South African business leaders expect to increase their technology investment by only 14%—a decrease from 2022 and below the global average.  

They cite a lack of budget and difficulty understanding the best tech options as the top barriers to higher investment in technology.  

Choosing the right tech investments can be challenging, particularly in emerging fields. Here are 3 tips for choosing the right tech investments: 

  1. Evaluate your business needs 

Before investing in technology, you should evaluate your business needs and goals. Identify the technologies that will provide your business with the most value and impact. 

  1. Research emerging technologies 

Research emerging technologies and their potential impact on your industry—identify new opportunities quickly. 

  1. Consider scalability 

Consider the scalability of prospective technology investments. Choose technologies that can grow with your business and adapt to changing needs. 

How to overcome budget restrictions 

Here are 3 practical tips for overcoming your financial obstacles: 

  1. Prioritise investments 

Prioritise your technology investments based on your business needs and goals. Focus on investments that provide the most value and impact for your business. 

  1. Consider financing options 

Consider financing options, such as leasing or financing, to make technology investments more affordable. 

  1. Seek expert advice 

Seek expert advice from technology providers, consultants, and industry associations to better understand your tech options. 

Final thoughts on resilient, optimistic business 

With the right strategies, your business doesn’t simply have to survive—you can see future growth and prosperity.  

Embracing change, planning proactively and making the most of technology allows you to stay ahead of the game. As the “Small Business, Big Opportunity” research highlights, South African SMBs are not just battling challenges head-on but are transforming them into opportunities.  

Despite the odds, their optimism is a testament to the indomitable entrepreneurial lion spirit at the heart of South Africa’s business community.