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Salary Structuring Module

Salary package calculations are made easy by the Salary Structuring Module included in Sage Pastel Payroll Advantage package. Request a quote today! 

Calculate individual employees' remuneration in a flash

Sage Pastel Partner Payroll’s Salary Structuring Module offers you amazing functionality to calculate individual employees’ remuneration packages. It is like having a Salary Structuring Assistant! This module simplifies the complicated task of structuring a Total Cost To Company remuneration package, according to the employee’s letter of appointment.

By simply entering the total package value and various package components, Sage Pastel Payroll & HR will calculate the value of the remaining Cash Component and update the employee’s payslip with the structure you define. Alternatively, make use of the Nett to Gross Package calculation to accurately determine the Gross Basic Salary required to ensure the employee receives an agreed Nett Pay amount in each pay packet.

The Salary Structuring Module offers eight calculators to assist you with the quick calculations of various allowance and fringe benefit values. Based on information provided by your employees, you can now calculate an accurate value for Travel Allowances or the taxable benefit value of a Company Vehicle without having to understand or refer back to any of the complicated rules and regulations required by legislation.

Our Salary Structuring Module can be used to structure an employee’s pay package using one of two methods namely Total Cost To Company or Nett to Gross Salary. In addition, there are eight calculators built into the Salary Structuring Module to assist you to calculate the fringe benefit of the Use of Company Vehicle, Private use of Assets, Free and Cheap Accommodation and many more.

The standard functionality of the Salary Structuring Module has been enhanced with an Assistant Wizard which is available to set up new employee salary information.

Method 1 – Total Cost To Company

You are able to use the Total Cost To Company Structure Option to provide a Total Cost Package value as well as setup package components like allowances and company contributions. In addition, you can calculate the remaining value allocated to the Cash Component (Basic Salary).

Method 2 – Nett To Gross Salary

Use the Nett To Gross Salary Structure Option to specify a Net Monthly Salary value to allow Sage Pastel Payroll & HR to calculate the required Gross Basic Salary value for you.

Should you wish to utilise the Salary Structuring Assistant Wizard for an existing employee, you can access it from the standard Salary Structuring screen.

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