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Accessibility statement for Sage 200 Web Portal

Version 1.1 - Updated 8th December 2022  

Sage 200 Web Portal app is for medium-sized cloud-based accounts customers - find out more at 

This accessibility statement relates to the Sage 200 Standard Web Portal and the Sage 200 Professional Web Portal in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Results for other locales, cannot be inferred from this statement. 

We want as many people as possible to benefit from the Sage 200 Web Portal app. For example, which means you should be able to: 

  • Use the app on tablets with landscape (horizontal) orientation, and on larger screens 
  • Navigate using consistent menus 
  • Zoom in to 200%, or change the size and spacing of text, without the text spilling off the screen 
  • Listen to most of the app using a screen reader (such as NVDA
  • We have made the text in the product as simple as possible to understand.   

AbilityNet also has advice on making your device easier to use if you have a disability. 

We are adding to the features available and bringing in improved accessibility support as we go, but not all features benefit from this technology yet. 

How accessible is the app

We know some parts of the app are not fully accessible.  

  • If you use the web product on tablets with portrait (vertical) orientation, or on smaller screens such as smartphones, you’ll need to scroll horizontally to see all content. 
  • When editing some content in tables using the keyboard, you might become trapped and be unable to continue. 
  • You may have difficulty interacting on some pages using the keyboard alone.
  • If you use a screen reader, you may not be informed of error messages.  
  • Some fields or buttons may have poor visual contrast against the background.  

There are several other improvements we could make to our code to help the app work as well as it can for everyone. 

Technical information about accessibility

Sage 200 Web Portal app is partially compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1 AA standard, due to the non-compliances listed below.   

We aim to deliver a greater level of accessibility in the app through future releases.

Non-compliance with the accessibility regulations

The content listed below is non-accessible for the following reasons.

Non-text Content

We would like all objects on a page that have meaning to have a text alternative. However, sometimes text alternatives aren’t available. We are working to fix this. 

WCAG Reference 1.1.1

Information and Relationships

We would like information, structure and relationships determined through presentation to be available in text.  There are some instances where this is not the case in the app, and we need to review the structure of these relationships.

WCAG Reference 1.3.1


We are working to make our design responsive so that it can identify and scale to tablet device when used in portrait orientation.  Currently, some content will not be fully displayed if you use the app on tablets in portrait (vertical) orientation, or on smaller screens such as smartphones.

WCAG Reference 1.3.4

Contrast (Minimum)

We would like the visual presentation of text to have good contrast against background colours to support people with visual impairments. However, in some places, this isn’t the case We’re working to review the visual styling where this is not met.

WCAG Reference 1.4.3

Resize Text

We would like text to be resized without assistive technology up to 200 percent without loss of content or functionality.  There are some instances where content may be truncated or overlap.  We are working to identify all instances of this.

WCAG Reference 1.4.4 


We would like content to be presented without loss of information or functionality, and without requiring scrolling in two dimensions.  Whilst some parts of the app have a two-dimension scrolling to add meaning to the content displayed, the use in these areas is under review.   

WCAG Reference 1.4.10 

Text Spacing 

We would like text style properties to be adjusted without loss of content or functionality.  There are some instances where content may be truncated or overlap.  We are working to identify all instances of this. 

WCAG Reference 1.4.12 

Content on Hover or Focus

We are aware that not all our hover content is dismissible, hoverable or persistent.  We are looking at alternative methods to show this content.

WCAG Reference 1.4.13


We would like our app to be accessible using the keyboard alone. However, our app navigation and some controls aren’t yet keyboard accessible. To fix this, we’re looking to improve our navigation and these controls.

WCAG Reference 2.1.1

No Keyboard Trap

We would like to avoid situations where you might get stuck using the app with the keyboard alone. Right now, tabbing to the end of some pages means that keyboard focus is lost, and you need to navigate away using the mouse.  To fix this, we are looking at new patterns for these pages.

WCAG Reference 2.1.2

Timing Adjustable

We have some notifications in the app which are displayed for a set period.  We are looking at alternative ways to display these notifications.

WCAG Reference 2.2.1

Bypass Blocks

We would like to allow you to bypass repeated blocks of content (such as skipping the navigation), as this may help people using assistive technologies. These features aren't present in the app today, but we’ll investigate adding them. 

WCAG Reference 2.4.1

Link Purpose (In Context)

We are aware that our page help icons do not have labels to describe their purpose.  We will investigate the use of labels on these icons when looking at initial page focus.

WCAG Reference 2.4.4

Multiple ways

We would like to offer you more than one way to navigate around the app. Today we provide a navigation menu and action buttons in list views.  We’re investigating adding features like a sitemap or search.

WCAG Reference 2.4.5

Focus Visible

We would like keyboard focus indicator to always be visible when using the app.  Presently, we have some instances where scrollable regions do not show the focus.  We are looking to address these.

WCAG Reference 2.4.7

Pointer Gesture

We are aware that our grid columns can only be re-ordered or removed using a pointer gesture.  We are looking to address this.

WCAG Reference 2.5.1

On Input

We would like the behaviour of our app to be that when changing the setting of any user interface component, the context will not automatically be updated unless the user has been advised of the behaviour in advance.  We would like our search components to tell you when the number of results has been updated after each keystroke.   

WCAG Reference 3.2.2

Error Identification

We would like all errors to be clearly identified, especially if you’re using a screen reader. However, not all of our errors are displayed clearly. To fix this, we’re reviewing the mechanism we use to present errors.

WCAG Reference 3.3.1

Labels or Instructions

We have identified some missing labels for parts of our address fields.  We are looking to include these.

WCAG Reference 3.3.2

Error Suggestion

We would like to show people suggestions to help them correct errors if possible. However, some error messages are worded broadly, and many don’t include specific suggestions to help you correct them. We'll review our error message content.

WCAG Reference 3.3.3

Name, Role and Value

We would like all our user interface components to have names and roles programmatically determined.  In addition, we would like states, properties, and values that can be set by the user can be programmatically set with notification of changes to these items being available to assistive technologies.  Currently, we have some inconsistencies in our application of the above.  We are reviewing these across our app.

WCAG Reference 4.1.2

How we tested this app

  • Although the product is available in the UK and Ireland, we tested the UK version specifically.
  • This app was last tested in August 2022. The test was carried out internally by Sage employees.
  • We tested all pages listed in the primary navigation of the app, at
  • We did not test extensions, such Google maps, and Trade Safe.
  • We did not test the Sage200 Standard desktop client application.
  • Testing was conducted using:
    • Chrome on Windows 10 
    • Chrome on Samsung Galaxy tablet S7 
    • Edge on Windows 10 
    • Safari (iOS 15.1) on iPad8th generation (9.7-inch) 

Feedback and contact information 

If you need support, you find any problems not listed on this page, or if you think we’re not meeting accessibility requirements, please contact us. 

Email: [email protected]

We’ll consider any requests and get back to you as soon as possible.  

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