GORDANA BIERNAT is a mentor, thinker, writer, speaker and wisdom keeper. She is
one of Oprah Winfrey’s SuperSoul 100 teachers – a group of 100 awakened leaders
who are using their voices and talent to elevate humanity.
As a mentor, Gordana provides guidance and inspiration, assisting those who seek
self-development and a greater sense of being through intellectual and spiritual
As a thinker, Gordana influences conscious communications through higher thought.
She shares her thoughts on Twitter and other social media, initiating creative
processes. Her message is universal and not biased by politics or temporary trends. It
appeals to audiences representing practically all cultures, religions and genders.
Gordana’s straightforward and empowering tweets have already inspired hundreds
of thousands across the globe and her book “#KnowTheTruth – Why Knowing Who
You Are Changes Everything”, is a collection of Gordana’s most profound wisdom.
“#KnowTheTruth” opens reader’s eyes to the inherent inner power and true potential
within us; it is a reminder of who we are and why we are here.