21 February, 2018 5 min read What contractors can do to protect themselves Contractors don't have the same protection as permanent staff members but here are a few things worth doing to protect y...
19 February, 2018 3 min read This is why you need to target millennials to gain new business The entire payments and banking industry is paying close attention to millennials. It’s the only way to stay ahead of th...
13 February, 2018 4 min read Top 8 fintech events to keep you up on the latest trends in 2018 This year is set to be a booming one for technology in payments and money management, which will be reflected across num...
8 February, 2018 11 min read Rocking Ur Teens, Social Media Makes Sense and Inbox Translation on business partnerships Rocking Ur Teens, Social Media Makes Sense Ltd and Inbox Translation share experiences of working in business partnershi...
6 February, 2018 6 min read This is why cloud accounting can result in business growth Workforce collaboration, saving time and spending intelligently are all issues that businesses face. Cloud accounting co...
31 January, 2018 10 min read 10 ways to fix cash flow problems for big businesses The collapse of UK construction company Carillion showed even large firms can have financial issues. Here's how to fix c...
30 January, 2018 5 min read Profit and loss account: How to understand and use it [Video] A profit and loss account (or statement or sheet) is, on a simple level, used to show you how much your company is makin...
18 January, 2018 5 min read How to calculate gross profit for your business Gross profit should be an easy figure to calculate but its definition can give people a problem. Here's what you need to...
16 January, 2018 5 min read 5 useful things millennials can teach you about money management Have you ever considered how millennials manage their money? There are numerous lessons your business can learn from the...
9 January, 2018 6 min read 8 simple ways to manage your cash flow as a franchisee You need to be able to manage your cash flow as a franchisee if you want it to succeed. Read this for great tips on what...
4 January, 2018 5 min read How to understand and manage VAT for your business Value Added Tax can make even experienced business people break out in a cold sweat. So you need to understand and manag...
28 December, 2017 4 min read Why moving to the cloud can improve your business finances With cloud software and computing playing an increasingly significant role in modern business, what are the benefits to ...
15 December, 2017 6 min read 4 big challenges businesses face in 2018 and how to tackle them Big challenges businesses face is something that becomes apparent at the start of a new year. Here, some firms discuss t...
14 December, 2017 6 min read My business failed but yours doesn’t have to – here’s what I learned Beatrice Whelan talks about why her business failed, why a business plan is important and what you need to do to make su...
13 December, 2017 9 min read 99 problems but late payments doesn’t have to be one Having to deal with late payments as a business owner is frustrating, so our Sage Business Experts have shared some tips...
7 December, 2017 6 min read This is why joining an entrepreneur network will boost your business Joining an entrepreneur network is a great way for you to receive business support and is useful for meeting people who ...
7 December, 2017 3 min read Late payments: Why your invoices are delayed and how to get paid faster Chasing late payments is a big issue for small and medium-sized businesses. Despite numerous barriers, it is possible fo...
30 November, 2017 5 min read The retirement time bomb is ticking – are you financially ready? If you've set up your own small business, chances are you are self-employed. But have you got plans in place to fund you...
28 November, 2017 7 min read Jen Walker: “Keep your business simple and never forget the importance of quality” Jen Walker, owner of The Split Screen Coffee Company, talks about the challenges of running a business and what she love...
27 November, 2017 4 min read 5 things you should do to keep employees happy Staff morale and satisfaction are important factors in wider business performance, so employers should be investing in w...
16 November, 2017 3 min read Autumn Budget 2017: What businesses want to hear from the chancellor Pensions, corporation tax and Brexit are likely to be part of the Autumn Budget - our Sage Business Experts share their ...
15 November, 2017 4 min read What is Open Banking and how can it benefit your business? Open Banking is due to launch in 2018 and could signal the end of paper bank statements and long delays for businesses t...
10 November, 2017 4 min read How to create a budget for your small business A budget is vital for any business and allows you to track cash flow and determine how much revenue you will need to mak...
31 October, 2017 5 min read The realities of delivering financial education to staff Many employers recognise the importance of delivering financial education but the process of providing it isn't necessar...