Understanding Sage Intacct pricing

We’re straight shooters at Silverware, and prefer straight up answers over sales-speak, but when we are first asked by a prospect, “What does Sage Intacct cost?” our initial answer is likely to be a bit vague; something akin to, “It all depends.” In truth, no business software vendor can answer that question for you without knowing a lot more about your business and the challenges you’re facing. It’s just not a simple answer like, “Here is the Sage Intacct pricing list.” But we understand that you need a frame of reference – a starting point for the journey – so we’re providing you with the following thoughts on how much you could and should be spending, and why.
How much will you spend?
There is a broad set of core financial functionality included with Sage Intacct, complemented by a long list of optional, more specialized functionality such as project accounting and contract management. Training and implementation – and do not think for a minute that cloud-ERP implements itself – vary considerably depending on your unique circumstances. So you see, it really does depend on the situation and needs of the organization.
The low entry costs of cloud ERP solutions like Sage Intacct – compared to the hefty upfront perpetual license model of most on premise ERPs – is enormously attractive. Be aware, though, that system costs tend to converge over time, so be certain you’re making a careful, well-thought-out comparison.
How much should you spend?
The reality is that you should spend what it takes to solve your business challenges – or as many as you fiscally can. And in general, business software is a cost-effective way to solve problems.
Consider even one manual task, such as printing and mailing invoices. If that task takes an employee two hours each week and they earn $25/hour, you’re spending $2,600 annually in labor to deliver those invoices. Add in postage and you might double that amount. If your business management software supports electronic invoice delivery, you just saved $5,000 annually. That $5,000 would help offset the cost of the software, and your employee could be assigned to more value-added tasks.
Our clients have shared dozens of these time- and labor-saving examples with us over the years. Report creation, generation, and distribution is another task that often involves a lot of time and effort. Sage Intacct’s reporting engine automates much of this task, allowing you to add the overhead savings to the bottom line.
Why should you spend?
We’re operating in a fast-paced economy, where your biggest competitor is often time, not another’s products. To succeed in this economy, you need to be agile, responsive and fast. You need actionable insight into your customers and your marketplace to keep service levels high. The fact is, if you’re relying on an underpowered or outdated ERP or accounting application, you’ll have a difficult time keeping pace. A modern, powerful cloud ERP solution like Sage Intacct helps you run your business faster, more responsively and more efficiently. Perhaps a more accurate answer to the “What does Sage Intacct pricing look like?” question would be, “Less than it probably should.”
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