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Sage account login - Frequently asked questions

Your Sage account allows you to access the different Sage products and services through a single sign on. This was formerly known as your Sage ID.

You’ll use your Sage account to log in to your products and services. No matter how many of our products you use, you'll only ever need to remember one email address and one password to log in.

If you start using a new Sage product or service in the future, you'll be able to log in seamlessly with your existing Sage account. When you make changes to your Sage account (like changing your password), it will update across all the devices you use.

Below is a series of articles to help you with frequently asked questions.

For further support or product-specific queries, please visit our Community Hub.

How to sign up

1. You can create an account from the log in screen of an application or service.

Select Create account. Some applications have a Sign up button on our website.

To sign up, you'll need to provide:

  • an email address
  • your first name
  • your last name

Your email address is used to identify you and to manage your Sage account security. It won’t be used for marketing purposes.

Your email address can have up to 64 characters before the @ symbol and 64 characters after it.

You'll need to create a password that meets our minimum security requirements.

2. After you've completed the sign up screen, check your details are correct and select Sign up.

3. You'll receive an email with a code you need to use to verify you have access to the email account you provided. Enter your code on the verification code screen.

If you don't receive a code straight away, check your spam or junk folders. If you still don't have a code, select Resend code to receive a new one.

You should check that you've supplied your email address correctly in the sign up form.

4. After you've entered your verification code, we'll activate your Sage account, and you'll be logged in.

If you were trying to access a product or service, setting up a trial or buying a product you'll be able to complete your task now.

Change or reset your password

Forgotten password

If you've forgotten your password, you can reset it from the log in screen.

1. Select Forgot password? and enter the email address used for your Sage account so we can send you a reset link.

Make sure you enter your email address correctly, or you won't receive the link. You'll only receive a password reset email if you have an account registered with us for the email address entered.

2. Use the link in the email to load the Reset your password screen. Enter and confirm your new password, then select Submit to set your new password.

You'll need to create a password that meets our minimum security requirements.

3. You can now log in to your Sage account using your new password.

How to change your password

If you’d like to change your password, you can do this in the User Account Management area

  1. Log in to Account Management using your current password
  2. Select Change Password.
  3. Enter your current password and select Continue.
  4. Enter your new password, ensuring it meets our minimum password security standards.
  5. Select Submit.
  6. You’ll receive an email confirming your password has been changed and you’ll see a success message in the Account Management screen.
Our minimum password security standards

Your password needs to meet certain requirements to keep your account as secure as possible.

From time to time, we may change the minimum password standards to ensure that your Sage account is protected.

For your password to be accepted, it must have at least 8 characters.

The strongest passwords are always hard to guess but easy to remember. Your password doesn’t need to be a single word, and can be any combination of characters, including:

  • spaces
  • numbers
  • symbols

Security experts recommend that your password has at least 3 words.

How to unblock your Sage account

Your account will be blocked if you enter an incorrect password too many times. If we detect unusual activity on your account, like an access attempt from an unexpected location, we may also automatically block your account.

You will receive an email containing a link to verify you have access to that email address. Clicking the link will unlock your account and allow you to try again.

If you’ve forgotten your password, you can reset it by using the forgot password link on the login screen.

How to sign up to multi-factor authentication

You can use multi-factor authentication to add extra security to your Sage account.

Multi-factor authentication means you need an additional passcode to access your account. This passcode will be sent to your phone and you need to enter this to complete your log in. The passcode changes every time you log in.

This means your account is secure, even if your email address and password are accidentally shared.

You can set up multi-factor authentication in the Account Management area

Setting up multi-factor authentication
  1. Go to the Multi-factor authentication section and select Send email.

    You'll receive an email to enrol in multi-factor authentication. Use the link in the email to set up multi-factor authentication on your account.
  2. Enter your mobile phone number and we'll send a 6-digit code to this device to confirm you have access to it.
  3. Enter your 6-digit code and select Continue. You'll also receive a recovery code. You can use this code to confirm your identity in the future and log in if you don't have your mobile device with you.
  4. Copy your recovery code down and keep it somewhere safe. You can only use your recovery code once. We'll send you a new recovery code after you've used it once to log in.

If you lose your recovery code, or don’t have access to it, please contact Sage Support.

What to do if you've not received an activation or verification email from Sage

When you sign up to a Sage account, or if your password is reset, we'll need to confirm that you're the account holder. To do this, we'll send you an email with a unique link for you to follow.

If you've not received the email, it could be for one of the following reasons:

  • It hasn't reached your inbox yet. Depending on your email provider, our emails can take up to 20 minutes to arrive.
  • It's been moved into a spam or junk folder automatically. Check your mailboxes to make sure it hasn't been moved.
  • Make sure your email client is set to allow emails from and [email protected].
  • You may have typed your email address incorrectly. Start the process again, making sure you enter your email address correctly.

If you still do not receive an email, please contact Sage Support

How to change language displayed

If you need to change the language at any point during the log in or sign up process, you can select your chosen language in the footer at the bottom of the screen.

Select the language that's currently displayed to open the language selector. Now choose the language you want to display in the page. The screen will reload with your chosen language.

How to change the email address on your Sage account

Your Sage account allows you to access the different Sage products and services through a single sign on. This means no matter how many of our products you use, you'll only ever need to remember one email address and one password to log in. When changing your email address, it will change for all of your Sage products and services.

Depending on the products and services you use, you may be able to change the email address linked to your Sage account in the User Account Management screen.

Changing your email address

1. Log in to your Sage product or service, go to Account Management and select Email.

If you don’t see an option to change your email in Account Management, contact your Sage support team.

2. Enter your new email address and select Continue.

Make sure you’ve entered your details correctly as we'll use this email address to get in touch with you.

The character limit includes any special characters, such as: "-", "_", or ".". The top-level domain of your email address is also included. For example, .com is 4 characters, is 6 characters.

You'll receive a verification code to confirm you have access to the new email account.

3. Enter your code and select Verify email. Your email address will not change until you have entered the verification code.

4. You'll be redirected to the log in screen and you can log in using your new email address. Your password, and multi-factor authentication (if enabled) will not change unless you choose to change them.

Some products use your email address to link to other services and it can take up to a few days for the email change to update everywhere.

From time to time, we may need to contact you to confirm if the email change should apply to other products or services.

What to do if you don’t have access to the email address associated with your Sage account

Resetting your password or unlocking your account will require you to have access to the email address associated with your Sage account. We use this to verify you’re the account holder.

If you don't have access to the email address used for your Sage account, but you do know your password and can log in, visit the User Account Management area to change your email address.

If you don’t have access to the email address and you’re unable to log in, you'll need to Contact Sage Customer Support. They will confirm your identity and help to connect your account to an email address you have access to.

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