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Web services accounting API

Integrate a seamless ecosystem of best-in-class services across your financial workflows with Sage Intacct web services Accounting API.

Name Required Type Description object Required string Use GLACCOUNT Name Required Type Description object Required string Use GLACCOUNT query filter Optional object select Required sequence orderby Optional object options Optional object pagesize Optional integer offset Optional integer GLACCOUNT <lookup> <object></object> </lookup> <query> <object></object> <select> <field></field> <field></field> <field></field> </select> <filter> <equalto> <field></field> <value></value> </equalto> </filter> </query> GLACCOUNTRECORDNOACCOUNTNOACCOUNTTYPEACCOUNTTYPEincomestatement lookup Parameters List all the fields and relationships for the account object: List the record number, account number, and account type for each income account: Parameters Query and List Account Get Account Object Definition

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Automation and productivity highlights

Initiate from within or without Sage Intacct environment
Open API based on structured XML-RPC, a common industry standard
More than 300 supported API methods
UI business logic rules and granular controls apply to Web Services

Integration APIs are built in to the Sage Intacct system

As a best-in-class financial management solution, Sage Intacct accounting software was built from the ground up to integrate with other best-in-class solutions. Most customers use APIs to integrate at least two external applications with Sage Intacct, which provides the flexibility to choose the best options for your organisation. In addition, our platform financial web services help accelerate customisation with infrastructure solutions built to match unique business requirements.

Support complex business processes with integrations

Complex processes unique to your business often require extracting data for processing, then posting results. Sage Intacct open APIs make interacting with data not only possible, but relatively simple.

Open APIs allow multiple, stable, secure integrations

API technology, like SDKs and resource white listing, make adding multiple integrations between services fast, secure and reliable.

Developer site provides in-depth documentation

Developers can find full documentation for accounting web services and code samples at our developer website.

object Required string fields Optional string query Required string Parameters Name Required Type Description Comma-separated list of fields on the object to list. For best performance and predictability, limit the number of fields. To return all fields, omit the element or provide for the value. * Use PODOCUMENT SQL-like query based on fields on the . Illegal XML characters must be property encoded. The following SQL operations are supported ,,,,,,,,. When doing NULL comparisons: ,. Multiple fields may be matched using the and operators. Joins are not supported. object< > >= <= = like not like in not in IS NOT NULL IS NULL ANDOR List Purchasing Transactions: readByQuery

Resources for Accounting API

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Accounting API FAQs

Sage Intacct Web Services are language-agnostic. Requests are constructed in XML, and responses are returned in XML, JSON or CSV. Sage Intacct provides a number of SDKs for different programming languages. They can be found on the Sage Intacct developer site :

We secure Web Services on several layers. Developers have sender credentials to make web services calls and an API call to a company requires user credentials for that company. The company controls the permissions related to the user credentials and also must whitelist the source domain from which the API calls are made. All requests are logged and monitored for anomalies.

Integrations built on Sage Intacct continue to work through every update. If we ever hit a point where security dictates that we change a process, we identify issues and alert you, then help resolve those issues.

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