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Product tour: Sage Intacct for Financial Services

See how Sage Intacct transforms financial management

Maximise your financial potential with Sage Intacct. Discover how our cloud financial solution can help you streamline operations and improve profitability.

AFS Investments Investments OCI 31/03/2023 30/06/2023 30/09/2023 31/12/2023 £-102,000.000 £-34,000.000 £-34,000.000 £68,000.000 £0 Other Comprehensive Income Trend Role-based Private Equity £136,303K AUM £588,154K Stocks £101,911K Hedge Funds £28,129K Hedge Funds £28,129K Other investments £64,840K Capital Gain £19,170K Dividend Income £629K What I follow Share Tom Waits £ - I’m looking at our latest list of open items for month-end. Can you tell me what the 157k adjustment is for? @Emma Penny Post File Link Snapshot

Our customers achieve on average


Return on investment


Reduce average month end close time


Productivity improvement

What to expect from the Sage Intacct for financial services product tour?

In this interactive, self-paced product tour, discover why financial service firms prefer Sage Intacct, the highest rated cloud accounting solution.

Discover how Sage Intacct empowers your finance team to drive growth.
Reduce time to close by as much as 79%.
See real-time reporting across hundreds of consolidated entities.
Automate accounting and increase efficiency up to 90%.

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