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CloudCheckr - United States

CloudCheckr finds silver lining with Sage Intacct

The cloud management solution uses Sage software to extract data-driven insights which are helping to fine-tune the business

Finance team scrambling to keep up with rapid growth

Having grown from 40 employees in late 2016 to 200 in mid-2020, CloudCheckr’s finance team was struggling to keep its head above water. Particularly problematic was trying to manage complex usage-based pricing across various models in Excel, and manually inputting that data into Quickbooks.

Our business was growing rapidly and we needed to be able to handle the volume and growth in our expanding customer base and revenue.

Sandy Burns
Vice President Finance

New system instantly gives the team its time back

In its first few months on Sage Intacct, CloudCheckr cut its monthly close time in half. Sage Intacct automation has eliminated painful manual workaround multi-entity consolidation, currency conversions, journal entries, and deferred revenue management.

With the help of Sage Intacct, we’ve reduced our time to close and put better controls in place as well.

Sandy Burns
Vice President Finance

On-demand visibility makes for better business decisions

Rich multi-dimensional reporting and dashboards in Sage Intacct are providing new data-driven insights that help CloudCheckr fine-tune its business. The company now has on-demand visibility into cash flow, costs, and revenue by various customer segments.

It used to take me hours to create Excel spreadsheets to analyze information. [Now] I can drill into the information in Sage Intacct reports much more quickly.

Sandy Burns
Vice President Finance