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Code42 - United States

Code42 "get it done and do it right" with Sage Intacct

Code42 Software Ink has experienced rapid growth. With multiple entities needing to work together, having a single platform to manage its accounting was key. Sage Intacct was able to do this.

QuickBooks and Excel created too much manual work

Code42 found that ongoing use of Excel spreadsheets, QuickBooks, and multiple software solutions created long-winded processes. In addition, extra manual work slowed down the focus elsewhere, such as new headcount, marketing and the Code42 product itself.

Sage Intacct is the right tool and has the right building blocks to get us where we need to be

Grant Christianson

By installing a slick all-in-one piece of software, Code42 can now focus on its day-to-day business

Moving multiple solutions into one place and setting up the entities saves vast amounts of time and money for Code42. Going from laborious processes to a five-to-ten-minute turnaround on the accounts process was transformative.

With Sage Intacct, we are able to get it done and do it right

Grant Christianson

An innovative behind-the-scenes process enables reinvestments in Code42’s core product

With Sage Intacct, Code42 can run its procedures as many times as they want behind the scenes. Customer invoicing is now efficient and slick, with a turnaround of ten to 15 days down to seven. Sage Intacct enables Code42 to achieve its goals, with a renewed focus on marketing, new headcount and the product itself.

Sage Intacct made us feel conformable with its sales process and product

Grant Christianson