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Sage expands into new markets and capabilities to boost SMBs’ productivity

Scaling Sage Intacct to help customers automate processes and focus on growing their businesses 
Orlando (Oct. 12, 2022) - Sage, the leader in accounting, financial, HR, and payroll technology for small and mid-sized businesses, today announces increased investment in Sage Intacct.  Through a series of significant product updates and enhancements, more customers will be able to experience increased productivity and smoother business processes.

Delivering against Sage’s ambition to become the trusted network for SMBs, the scale of Sage Intacct enables customers to automate processes, boost productivity and free up time to focus on running their businesses.

“Over the past year we have continued to deliver on our commitment to evolve our products and services, making improvements to workflow and connecting processes for our customers across business functions,” said Dan Miller, EVP of Sage Intacct. “We are constantly striving to meet our new and existing customers’ needs through innovative solutions that help them make their businesses more efficient and focus on what matters most – reaching their full growth potential.

Sage Intacct Product Enhancements shared at Sage Transform include:

Further internationalization of Sage Intacct – Leveraging Sage’s global presence and compliance expertise, Sage Intacct is expanding its core financial offering into continental Europe, starting with France by the end of the year – the first non-English speaking country for Sage Intacct. 

This will enable multi-national customers, operating in France, to expand their operations with Sage Intacct faster and easier. It will also offer France-based companies the power of Sage Intacct’s modern cloud capabilities to simplify and automate their multi-entity financial operations giving them data and insights to better run their business. 

Sage Intacct core financials will be available in France by the end of the year

Sage Intacct Manufacturing US – Following the Sage Intacct Manufacturing release in France and the UK earlier in 2022, Sage Intacct Manufacturing will be available for customers in the US from 2023. The cloud-native solution extends Sage Intacct to deliver industry capabilities for businesses specializing in discrete manufacturing and distribution, enabling them to streamline end-to-end operations and increase productivity.

Early adopter available in the US from mid-October. General availability in the US is planned for the middle of 2023.

Sage Intacct for Construction and Real Estate – Sage Intacct has continued to deliver deeper financials as well as broaden the solution with new financial, operational, and pre-construction modules for payroll, property management, field service operations, and construction estimating. By providing a rich and broad set of capabilities that seamlessly work together, Sage Intacct for Construction and Real-Estate enables construction customers to simplify managing the complexities of their business with greater insight and efficiencies. 

Sage Intacct Construction and Real Estate is generally available in the US, Canada, and Australia. Sage Intacct Construction Payroll is available for Early Adopters in US, with General Availability expected in 2023. Sage Intacct Field Operations and Sage Intacct Estimating is available for Early Adopters in US, Canada, and Australia with General Availability expected in 2023.

Sage Intacct Inventory Automation - Sage Intacct customers can now automate inventory transactions with barcoding and mobile data capture for real-time, company-wide, visibility and control, improved accuracy, and reduced data entry. Sage Intacct Inventory Automation provides cloud-based inventory management to help businesses ensure their stock and inventory is utilised efficiently and keeps the business flowing.

Sage Intacct Inventory Automation is now in general availability for Sage Intacct customers across North America. 

Sage Intacct Lease Accounting – This new functionality helps businesses simplify compliance with ASC 842* lease accounting standards in the US. The cloud native solution automates lease accounting processes, including payments, lease liability, and Right of Use asset depreciation. Organizations will access all their lease accounting and compliance data in a centralized location and gain lease insights with multi-dimensional reports and dashboards. 

Sage Intacct Lease Accounting is available in the US in an early adopter program. General availability is expected in early 2023.

Sage Intacct Accounts Payable (AP) Automation – Sage Intacct continues its investment in accounts payable to enable an automated end-to-end workflow from bill receipt to payment, reconciliation, and reporting. AI-powered bill automation receives, scans, and populates draft bills, including matching to vendors, coding accounts and dimensions, and identifying duplicate bills and exceptions. It complements the automated payment functionality, Vendor Payments powered by CSI, that was released earlier in 2022. The combination of bill automation and vendor payments helps customers streamline and simplify AP processing, spend less time on manual tasks and get payments out faster alongside paying vendors the way they prefer to be paid.

AP Bill Automation is rolling out to US customers beginning with Sage Intacct 2022 Release 4 . The rollout across US channels is planned for 2023. Pricing is per transaction. There are no subscription or implementation fees.

Sage Intacct 1099 E-filing powered by TaxBandits - Built jointly with TaxBandits, e-filing 1099s is easy, fast, and secure. US customers submit 1099 data from Sage Intacct to TaxBandits with the press of a button. TaxBandits provides automatic validation to catch common filing errors, helping customers submit error-free returns to avoid penalties, corrections, and multiple filing fees. Forms are mailed to recipients, and tax information can be submitted all at once to the IRS with instant status updates. Customers stay current with federal and state tax law changes, reduce errors, and easily meet recently lowered IRS e-filing thresholds. 

The solution is now available in the US in an early adopter program. 

These product updates were shared today at the annual Sage Transform event, designed for the Sage Intacct community of customers and partners, taking place in Orlando, Florida, from October 10-14 2022.  

Sage has also announced news on the continued partnership with Microsoft – providing customers with the option of hosting Sage Intacct on Azure, as well as the capabilities through the Sage Intacct App for Microsoft Teams to submit and approve certain processes directly through the Application. See to view that announcement.

About Sage

 Sage exists to knock down barriers so everyone can thrive, starting with the millions of Small and Mid-Sized Businesses served by us, our partners, and accountants. Customers trust our finance, HR and payroll software to make work and money flow. By digitizing business processes and relationships with customers, suppliers, employees, banks and governments, our digital network connects SMBs, removing friction and delivering insights. Knocking down barriers also means we use our time, technology, and experience to tackle digital inequality, economic inequality and the climate crisis. Learn more at

Notes to Editor

*The ASC 842 standard for lease accounting requires all leases longer than 12 months to be recorded as assets and liabilities on balance sheets.

Information on Sage Intacct Construction:

  • Sage Intacct Construction provides construction financials capabilities by extending Sage Intacct core financials with job costing, change mgmt., commitments, and billing optimized to support construction businesses.  Most recent enhancements include project contracts that centralizes visibility and streamlines management of schedule of values, change requests/orders, and invoice generation with flexible billing formats.
  • Sage Intacct Construction Payroll gives customers a 360-degree view of their project costs. With unprecedented visibility into each cost component, Sage Intacct Construction Payroll enables customers to reduce cost overruns, improve the accuracy of future estimates, and handle even the most complex payrolls with ease.
  • Sage Intacct Real-Estate provides property management capabilities including full lease administration, billing of recoverable expenses for common area and real-estate taxes, management fee calculation, and reporting (rent roll, least abstract, and more).
  • Sage Field Operations provides companies that perform repair, maintenance, and construction work in the field with a solution that enables contractors to efficiently manage their field operations.
  • Sage Estimating has long been the most advanced construction estimation solution available. Customer can leverage Sage Estimating to create accurate estimates quickly, win competitive bids, and now seamlessly integrate with Sage Intacct to manage Construction project financials.