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University Clinical Health - United States

University Clinical Health gives its financials a facelift with Sage Intacct

The nonprofit clinical practice organization modernizes its financial workflows using Sage software to drive forward business agility

More complete system required

University Clinical Health (UCH) struggled to adapt its archaic mainframe accounting system to its changing needs, and decided to find a more flexible, cloud-based accounting solution. The finance team wanted software that would provide better transparency into UCH’s multi-entity, multi-location financial data.

We evaluated NetSuite and Unit4 Financials before settling on Sage Intacct because it was by far the most flexible and complete system.

Timothy Carlew

Time and money savings

UCH estimates that Sage Intacct is saving its organization well over $500,000 each year from reduced staffing and IT costs. For example, the accounts payable process is dramatically streamlined now that staff at each of the 12 clinic locations can easily enter their own invoices and expense reports into the cloud-based software.

With the time we’re saving from mundane processes, we’re able to focus on really understanding what drives our business and monitoring key trends.

Timothy Carlew

High-level financial picture

UCH uses Sage Intacct to produce monthly profit and loss reports by department, by specialty (i.e. for specific services within the ophthalmology department), by hospital, and by physician. With this granular view into profitability, the finance team can clearly identify areas for improvement, which is especially helpful during contract negotiations.

It’s so helpful that we can drill into a deeper view of our data as needed, or roll everything up to a very high-level picture of our financials for board meetings.

Timothy Carlew